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Aloe, My Little Friend

plant perfect garden center-Aloe Benefits and Plant Care-Aloe Benefits and Plant Care

Aloe vera is a beautiful succulent that has a multitude of uses beyond aesthetics. From healing to nutrition, this useful plant should be in every home. Each spikey leaf is packed with a gel that can be harvested and utilized for many different purposes. It’s also a very easy plant to take care of!  

Please be advised that only true Aloe vera plants apply to these benefits and that similar-looking plants may be toxic. If you’re not sure, talk to one of our plant experts at Plant Perfect— we can verify you’ve got the right plant! 

Here are some benefits of Aloe vera and tips on how to best take care of your plant:


Benefits and Uses of Aloe Vera

plant perfect-Aloe Benefits and Plant Care-aloe-vera-skin-burn-relief

Treat Burns

The soothing gel inside an Aloe vera leaf can be used for more than just sunburns! Cut off a spiky leaf, scrape out the gel with a spoon, and apply the fleshy gel to the affected area of cooking burns, sunburn, eczema, or abrasions for relief. However, while Aloe vera seems like a “soothe-all,” it should not be used on severe burns or broken skin. 


Improve Your Gut Health

Adding Aloe vera to a smoothie or mixing it with soda is a refreshing drink and great for your digestive system. It can ease symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and prevent harmful bacterial growth. Remember that everything is good in moderation—too much can have a laxative effect, so be sure to monitor daily consumption!



Aloe vera is excellent for skincare well beyond the use of treating sunburns. The gel contains salicylic acid, which can help with acne—plus it’s very moisturizing. Add in aloe’s antibacterial properties and there are a lot of good things happening for your skin! After harvesting some gel from your plant, strain it through a coffee filter or cheesecloth to get a smooth liquid that can be applied to the skin. 

How to Care for Aloe Vera Plant

It is important to choose the right kind of pot for your Aloe vera. Porous pots (such as terra cotta) with draining holes are a great option because they will prevent the soil from becoming overly moist. Remember, if you want a pot that matches your decor, you can always place the terra cotta pot inside a slightly larger pot or basket that matches the look you’re going for. Choose a cactus and succulent specific potting mix and, just like that, your Aloe vera has a happy home. 

How Do You Keep an Aloe Vera Plant Alive Indoors?

The most common problem with taking care of an Aloe vera plant is overwatering. Make sure the top few inches of soil are dry before watering, and don’t let it sit in extra water. This happy little succulent plant is very independent and only needs a deep watering every 2-3 weeks. Even if you’re a forgetful person when it comes to watering, this plant will still feel taken care of. 

How Do You Keep an Aloe Vera Plant Alive in the Winter?

Aloe vera thrives on lots of sunlight, so make sure your plant care checklist includes a bright, south-facing window, or an LED grow light. Especially if you live in a small apartment or if your home doesn’t get much sunlight in the winter.

If you are transferring your Aloe vera inside from a summer outside, bring it in around 50F so that it doesn’t go into shock with the temperature change. Keep in mind that the plant will go dormant for the winter and will need different care. You will not need to water as often, and the soil will not need to be fertilized until spring. 

Get excited about all the great benefits of having Aloe vera in your home and the low-maintenance plant care routine! We have Aloe vera plants for sale at our Bismarck location, so come see us today.