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How To Attract More Birds To Your Yard This Winter

Plant Perfect-Bismarck-4 Ways To Attract More Birds To Your Yard This Winter-cardinal in winter

North Dakota’s northern plains are home to hundreds of bird species, many of which are either endangered or quite rare. While some are permanent residents, many more are visitors simply passing through during the winter months. The Central Flyway, a major bird migration route, runs through eastern and central North Dakota, which makes our Bismarck backyards popular rest stops for many birds on their way to local rivers and lakes. Because birds do so much for our gardens, acting as pollinators and helping to keep pest populations under control, it’s important to support them during the harsh winter months when natural resources are scarce. Here are some ways you can help our feathered friends this winter and attract more birds to your yard. 

Plant Perfect-Bismarck-4 Ways To Attract More Birds To Your Yard This Winter-bird suets

How Can I Attract More Birds To My Garden This Winter? 

Like all living things, birds need access to food, fresh water, and shelter to survive and thrive. In winter, however, the shrubs and trees that typically shelter birds are either covered in snow or have lost their protective leaves, while their usual water sources have frozen over. Food can also be quite scarce during the winter months, as many natural seed sources, such as sunflowers, only bloom in the summer, and there’s less time to scavenge due to shortened daylight hours. Because of this, installing birdhouses, bird feeders, and fresh, thawed water sources in your yard are great ways to attract more birds to your space and help them out over the winter! Here are three important things to keep in mind when planning for your feathered friends: 

Remember That Different Birds Have Different Diets

Plant Perfect-Bismarck-4 Ways To Attract More Birds To Your Yard This Winter-suet for birds

Bird diets are as varied as they come, and different types of feeders and seed mixes will cater to different birds. So before you go shopping for supplies, consider which types of birds you’d like to attract to your yard this winter. Suets made from rendered beef or vegetable fat, for instance, tend to attract woodpeckers, chickadees, starlings, and jays, as they deliver an excellent caloric boost for birds that quickly burn through their energy reserves while trying to stay warm, usually by flying around. Tube feeders, on the other hand, store dried food such as sunflower or safflower seeds and attract the likes of finches, chickadees, cardinals, and grosbeaks. 

Water is Another Valuable Resource For Birds This Winter

Plant Perfect-Bismarck-4 Ways To Attract More Birds To Your Yard This Winter-winter bird bath heater

Water is often just as scarce as food for birds in the wintertime. While birds can eat snow, doing so lowers their core temperature drastically, and it takes them a significant amount of energy to warm their bodies back to normal. Therefore, providing a fresh water supply in your backyard for drinking and preening—such as by installing a heated bird bath—will make a massive difference for your feathered friends this winter!

When temperatures are below freezing, birds will likely only stop by to have a quick drink, so make sure to add a metal grate on top of the bird bath to prevent them from getting wet and cold. 

Winter Shelter Also Varies Depending on the Species

Plant Perfect-Bismarck-4 Ways To Attract More Birds To Your Yard This Winter-winter bird houses

Like with food, different bird species prefer different nesting and shelter types. Bluebirds and some woodpeckers, for example, are cavity-nesting birds that prefer to take shelter in hollow trees, while sparrows and towhees are ground-dwelling birds that like to nest in piles of brush and dead branches.

Similar to choosing the right food, you’ll also want to research the types of shelters preferred by the specific bird species you’re trying to attract to your garden this winter. 

When it comes to bird shelters, there are tons of pre-built and DIY options. If you go with a store-bought birdhouse, make sure you avoid anything painted with bright colors or finished with a glossy varnish. Though they might look beautiful, unnatural materials can actually attract predators, while your birds are none the wiser. If you’d rather install an option that mimics natural bird shelters, try to recreate a dense thicket of wild growth where birds can perch, nest, and hide from predators during the winter months. Building your own natural bird shelter is also a great way to recycle your old Christmas tree


While these tips will help get you started, if you still want some ideas for attracting birds to your Bismarck backyard this winter, stop by and visit us at Plant Perfect today! Our expert advice and large selection of feed, decor, and more will have your backyard ready to receive your feathered guests in no time!